Lamps and headaches part 1

Our dining area. To have such a large window facing the street is a remnant from the time when our house was still a shop.

Our dining area. The large window facing the street is a remnant from the time when our house was still a shop.

Lamps. Difficult. Need I say more?

To decide on the right lamp for the right space, is probably the one thing that is taking me ages, and involves headaches, sleepless nights and an empty wallet. For our house, we are aiming for a mid-century / Scandinavian look, but I don’t want to adhere to one style too strictly. In my opinion, our house looks best with a few very simple, bold items. The house has so many original features (stained glass: check; exposed brick wall: check) that it is easy to overdo.

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Inspiration and reality


Moving into a new home is the time for big interior decisions. We moved into our house in December, and because we also became house owners, it felt like this was the place where all my years of dreaming, imagining and craving would come to its summit. This would be the home where all my interior dreams would be fulfilled.

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